Positive Thoughts for Students Who Think They Cannot Do It (Part Two)

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Negativity is powerful enough to hold us back if we pay too much attention to it. In fact, negativity has the damaging power to crush some peoples’ hopes, dreams, goals and plans for brighter futures. With all of the negative vibes and poor normative cues that flood our day to day lives, it can be a monumental fight for even the strongest-willed individual to genuinely believe in one’s abilities to accomplish goals.

Nonetheless, much of the negativity comes from within. That pesky internal voice in our neural network of deepest thoughts shouts out to us louder than any other person ever could. However, positivity can cancel out the negativity. Having a strong belief in one’s own ability to get things done makes the difference. A positive outlook is of the essence because you must believe in yourself in order for others to believe in you.

In essence, take some time out of each day to nurture your soul with at least one positive affirmation. You should never be made to feel that you do not deserve success. Actually, you deserve to live the kind of life you want to live just as long as you are willing to devote the effort to achieve this. People should not feel that they are somehow faulty or undeserving of having the markers of a worthy existence. You are worth it!

The overriding message is to keep on trucking until you make enough progress to obtain the sort of changes you want to see. We can have virtually anything we want, and common sense prescribes that you will eventually get what you want. Conversely, it must be emphasized that you must change your inner thoughts in order to change your life. In other words, think positively. Talk positively. Live your life with positivity.

POSITIVE THOUGHT NUMBER FOUR: “I am a worthy person who has something good to offer.”

You, as a uniquely special human being, are worthy of giving and receiving. You have something decidedly special to offer to humankind, but only you know what it may be. You are worthy of receiving goodness, success, and all the fruits that come with the territory of these attributes. Realize that you are worthy and wholly deserving of the existence that has been bestowed upon you.

POSITIVE THOUGHT NUMBER FIVE: “I am thankful for all that I currently have in my life.”

Have an attitude of gratitude. You may think you presently have it bad, but others out there assuredly have it a hundred times worse. You might be complaining about your old shoes while someone out there has no feet. You might be complaining about your underachieving kids while parents in a developing country are grieving the loss of a young child that they could not afford to feed.

If all your basic needs of food and shelter are being met, be thankful and grateful for what you’ve got. Have some gratitude. Focus on what you currently have, as well as the things you would like to work toward. It is easier to focus on what you have rather than what you do not have.


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