CNA School in the Fort Worth Mid-Cities Area of Texas

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Legacy Healthcare Careers LLC, a CNA school with a fast track 10-day certified nursing assistant program, a phlebotomy technician training program, a medical assistant course and a certified medication aide class, is accepting new students for enrollment. The school is situated at a convenient Mid-Cities HEB area location in the middle of the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex region of Texas.

The physical address for Legacy Healthcare Careers CNA School’s campus is 7505 Glenview Drive, Suite I, N. Richland Hills, Texas 76180. The office telephone number for Legacy Healthcare Careers (682)626-5266. In addition, the 24-hour enrollment hotline phone number is (682)313-6404; this phone number is for any needs that arise outside of normal operating hours.

Tuition for the all of the nurse aide training programs at Legacy Healthcare Careers is very competitive and rather affordable. Flexible payment plans are available that will surely fit into most prospective students’ budgets. The phlebotomy technician training program tuition is $750, making it one of the most affordable phlebotomy courses in the DFW metro area at the time of this writing.

Students who attend Legacy Healthcare Careers can graduate free from the burden of years of massive student loan debts because all training programs offered at the school are affordable.

Legacy Healthcare Careers CNA school offers fast-track nurses aide programs that are designed to train prospective students for careers as nursing assistants within a few short weeks. All CNA classes offered at the school deliver high quality instruction in basic nursing care techniques. In addition, all of the CNA classes are taught by professional registered nurses (RNs) with extensive experience in nursing and direct patient care.

The nurse aide programs all consist of a proven blend of theory instruction that occurs in the classroom setting in addition to hands-on lab training. In addition, a clinical practicum externship training phase takes place at a local healthcare center in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area where students get the opportunity to practice hands-on procedural skills on actual patients and residents of the facility.

The nurse aide programs are structured and taught in strict accordance with the 100 hour Texas-approved state curriculum for nursing assistant training. In addition, the nurse aide coursework is taught with an overall focus of ensuring that graduates are able to pass the CNA state test on the first attempt.

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Moreover, graduates of Legacy Healthcare Careers receive full eligibility to take the Texas state examination to obtain certification as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). A career as a nursing assistant is loaded with fulfillment, steady pay, job security, the potential for lifelong learning, ultimate joy, challenging moments, and the ability to climb up the nursing career ladder.

In other words, CNA training in the Fort Worth area is a solid investment in an individual’s future career prospects. CNA training can quickly boost an individual’s relative value and overall demand in the local employment market. Some people are actually able to double their earning potential by becoming a nurse aide.

Daytime, evening and weekend class schedules are available to accommodate the busy personal schedules of prospective students who choose to enroll. The minimum age to enroll is 16 years of age with parental consent or 18 years old without consent. Also, no high school diploma or GED is needed to enroll as long as the prospective student has proof of an 8th grade education.

Jump-start your legacy today at Legacy Healthcare Careers. Feel free to visit the Legacy Healthcare Careers school website ( or the Legacy Healthcare Careers blog at for more information on the school’s CNA programs in the Fort Worth metro area.

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